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Sacred Heart Organization of Parents
S.H.O.P is the Sacred Heart School Organization of Parents. We provide all of the extras needed to help our school run each year.
Playground Equipment
Donuts & Balloons for the First Day of School
Fulfill Teacher Wish Lists - i.e. touch screen chromebooks, sheep eyes, green screens, school sound system
Pay for Field Trips & Bus Service for Field Trips
End of School Year Fun Days
Catholic Schools Week
Other necessities needed to run the school each year
Annual Fundraisers Include:
Pie Sales
Fannie Mae Candy
Bake Sales
Scrip Cards
S.H.O.P Meetings
We are always looking for extra volunteers, feel free to join us!
2024-2025 School Year Officers
President - Cayla Beyers
Vice-President - Kassie Beyers
Secretary - Rebecca Ervin
Treasurer - Chrisy Nollman
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