Parish School of Religion
St. Patrick's P.S.R. (Parish School of Religion) program provides Catholic religious instruction and sacramental preparation for public school students in grades kindergarten through eighth grade. P.S.R's. volunteer teachers strive to help students to know, love, and serve God and to grow in knowledge of our Catholic faith. We provide service opportunities to encourage ongoing service to the students' families, our parish community, and others. We pray that our students will become active members of our faith community. Our motto is "We are all called to be saints."
High school students are encouraged to participate in S.P.Y. (St. Pat's Youth), the high school youth group.
If you would like to volunteer, please contact the Parish Office at 217-562-5396 or panastpats@gmail.com
Volunteer Opportunity
Basic Policies
PSR Registration will be held prior to the first day of classes in September. Classes usually begin the first Wednesday following Labor Day. Watch the parish bulletin or the PSR Parents' Facebook page for dates.
Please contact the student’s teacher or the CRE if your child will be absent.
Any make-up work assigned should be turned in at the next class.
Homework may be assigned. Usually, this will be a prayer to learn or a special project that can not be completed in class.
Grade Guidelines
Kindergarten: Sign of the Cross; Guardian Angel Prayer
Grade 1: Prayer Before Meals; Our Father; Hail Mary, Glory Be
Grade 2: Act of Contrition; preparation for First Reconciliation
Grades 3: Fruits of the Holy Spirit; preparation for Confirmation and First Eucharist
Grades 4 & 5: Apostles Creed; Hail Holy Queen
Grades 6, 7 & 8: Rosary and Mysteries of the Rosary
All grades: Students are expected to know the material from grades prior to their current grade level.
St. Patrick’s PSR Sacramental Preparation Programs
(First Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Communion)
Attendance Policy: Attending all the sessions is very important. Please notify your child’s teacher or the CRE if the candidate can not attend. Make up work may be required.
Conflicts With School Activities: We will work with you to the best of our ability. However, it is essential that sacramental preparation is a high priority for the student and family.
For all sacraments, we ask that parents reinforce what the child is learning in class. We offer religious training and respect for the Sacrament in PSR. Children need the experience of prayer and worship with the faith community on a regular, continuous basis with their families.Students are expected to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation.
The confirmation sponsor must be verified as an active Catholic parishioner by the pastor of their parish on a written sponsor form.
Special Circumstances: If your child has not received the sacraments of Reconciliation, First Communion, or Confirmation at the usual time, special accommodations may be made to help them catch up. Baptism must be done according to Diocesan guidelines.
Children with special needs will be main-streamed whenever possible. If your child can not work in a regular classroom, we will work with you to facilitate his/her religious education.
All students will participate yearly in the Touching Safety program required by the diocese unless parents sign an opt out. This will take place during regular class time.
Grades 5 and 8 will take the ACRE religious education assessment required by the diocese. The test will be scheduled during a regular class session.